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Ann Baba


Updated: Feb 13, 2021

Remote, online learning, or home schooling used to be a choice, but with the pandemic, everyone is learning or working online and most of our children and even adult students are falling behind.

On today's podcast, I'm going to be sharing some tips for Successful Online Learning

1. Take it seriously: See it as a regular course. Do not treat it any different from your approach, studying, revision, etc

2. Keep a schedule: wake up and go to bed at the same time, take a shower, eat breakfast, take regular breaks in between classes, set up a routine

3. Create a dedicated work area: a work station, home office preferably a different room besides your bedroom if possible, will give you a sense of seriousness and separation.

a. Set up a separate schooling/work area different from your rest or entertainment area will make learning realistic.

4. Keep a calendar: create calendar of all class or course scheduled time. Like exact class periods, test schedules, and assignment due dates. Have a To Do list.

  • a. Use a google Calendar.

  • b. A wall calendar or good old white board calendar to record your weekly activities

This way you won’t miss any test or assignments

5. Take a Stretch break: Get up a take a break. Take a walk or a glass of water, bathroom breaks, etc

6. Know your time zone: If in College, especially if your institution is out of State, make sure you know the time zone and set your calendar as such to avoid time class.

7. Turn OFF all distractions: Music, Phone, Social Media. Music, especially with words can be very distraction so turn off background music to enable you concentrate on studying. Make sure your phone is completely off or on MUTE. I usually put my phone of Airplane Mode, that way not incoming calls or social media or email alerts to distract me.

8. Keep in touch: even though we advice you to avoid distractions, we are also aware that online learning, remote learning, or home schooling can be isolating and lonely. Therefore, you must make contacts with your teachers, connect with your course mates, stay in touch with family and friends especially “critical friends”

  • a. Accountability and connectedness keeps you on top of your game in online school

9. Get a virtual study group: Avoid intellectual loneliness. Join a club, learning groups, study group. If there is none and your facilitator/teacher did not create one, you can initiate a focus group that work or study together even if in silence, have lunch groups. Set up a productivity/work call with colleagues

Finally. Have a mindfulness period to regroup and refresh yourself by doing something unrelated to studying. Intentional get some air.

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